Western nutritional supplements are popular here too. People love fish oil, CoQ10, and vitamin pills from US super markets but they also love Hong Zao 红枣 dates, 当归 Dang1 Gui1 Angelica roots, and Ren2 Shen1 Ginseng人参. Dates are great for supplementing iron, Ginseng helps with the Qi4 气 an important power or energy also used in Tai Chi martial art.
Some markets have special stations where you can choose and add your preferred medicinal ingredients to a black sesame breakfast blend and grind. This blend serves a health or social benefit: whiter skin, better studying power, more nutrients from grains etc. Black sesame powder porridge (just add water to black sesame seeds ground powder) is a nutritious traditional breakfast much like the oatmeal breakfast in the US. It's nutritious and high in fiber. It's already healthy.